The company carried out "safety development, prevention first" fire emergency safety drill

The company carried out "safety development, prevention first" fire emergency safety drill

In order to effectively strengthen the company's daily safety work and improve the safety and fire fighting quality, safety prevention and self-help ability of all staff, a fire emergency safety drill with the theme of "safety development, prevention first" was held on April 27. The company's general manager, department heads and all staff participated in the drill.

Before the drill, the production department and the Administration Department of the company, combined with the actual situation of the company, carefully worked out the plan of the drill activity, defined the responsibilities and requirements, and provided a practical guarantee for the success of the drill.

The main contents of the drill training include: explaining the fire-fighting methods in case of fire accidents; notifying the layout of fire-fighting facilities of the company; demonstrating the use of fire-fighting equipment and fire hydrants on site, and organizing the actual operation; explaining the emergency evacuation and escape methods in case of fire and on-site drill.

Manager Mao Haoqiang served as the chief commander of the drill, and provided fire safety knowledge training for the staff. From daily fire safety work to the use of fire fighting equipment, the drill explained and demonstrated one by one for everyone. It supplemented the necessary knowledge that some employees lacked in fire safety, and achieved good results.

The company carried out "safety development, prevention first" fire emergency safety drill

The company carried out "safety development, prevention first" fire emergency safety drill

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